What Happens When You Start a Bad Day

What Happens When You Start a Bad Day?

Yeah! I know my life is been in a deep shit for a few months. And I have started coping with it. Accepting the fact that it ain’t gonna change for some time.
Everybody says this is normal when you are a part of corporate life. You have no time for family, friends, and not even for your own self.
And telling you the truth, I wanted to get busy in my life after been ignored by everyone when I needed them.
And now I am busy.
It is not like I hate my job. I like it. Yes, it can be hectic at times but the end of the day it is worth keeping.
But what to do with people who are constantly nagging and asking to meet and “go out”.
Bitch, where were you when I was crying my eyes out because I was lonely and sad. Because I felt I had no motive in life. Because I was unemployed and with no money.
No one was there. I picked myself up and got what according to me is what I deserve.
Now the only thing that gives meaning to my life is the “busy life” and I am keeping it that way.
When you wake up with these thoughts in the morning. Aughhhh! Your day is going to be ruined.
And people try to add more to it.

Series of Misery:

  • You woke up ugly with thought to satisfy so many useless people around you.
  • Now you have to get ready to go to your office via public transport.
  • You are at work and doing your job with a constant popup in mind that you have to meet someone in the evening.
  • And you have to take off early, which could count as a half day. Also, you don’t want to take an unnecessary half day.
  • Then you meet this person, shop for the tomorrow’s big event and reach home late.

The only good thing till now is the cute guy I saw on my bus, today.
Now some of you will be thinking…

C’mon Rashmita, there are people dying of hunger and disease. And you think your life is difficult

To those people, I would love to show my middle finger. This is my blog and I will write whatever I want.

Rashmita Out 😐

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